Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jamboree Registration forms

Reminder that you need to complete entry forms and pay $6.00 per entry for ALL activites that you will be participating in at the Horse Jamboree on March 27 &28.
These includes:
Creative Writing
Petry/short story
Photography (reminder this needs to be sent in by March 1 - please bring them to the meeting)
Model horse
Demonstration (individual or team) - with visual aids - like an educational presentation at Spring Fair
Public Speaking - no visual aids

The Hippology and Quiz bowl also require $7.00 each event and an entry form completed  - I will complete the entry forms and put the teams together and let you know next week which team you will be participating on at the March 1 meeting

Remember that all entry forms require payment -
indiviual activities listed above are $6.00 per entry
Hippology and Quiz Bowl are $7.00 per entry
Please bring money to Monday March 1 meeting so that we can get you entered into the events offered

See you at the Extension office - March 1 6pm-8pm for more horse fun!

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