Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Jamboree Registration forms

Reminder that you need to complete entry forms and pay $6.00 per entry for ALL activites that you will be participating in at the Horse Jamboree on March 27 &28.
These includes:
Creative Writing
Petry/short story
Photography (reminder this needs to be sent in by March 1 - please bring them to the meeting)
Model horse
Demonstration (individual or team) - with visual aids - like an educational presentation at Spring Fair
Public Speaking - no visual aids

The Hippology and Quiz bowl also require $7.00 each event and an entry form completed  - I will complete the entry forms and put the teams together and let you know next week which team you will be participating on at the March 1 meeting

Remember that all entry forms require payment -
indiviual activities listed above are $6.00 per entry
Hippology and Quiz Bowl are $7.00 per entry
Please bring money to Monday March 1 meeting so that we can get you entered into the events offered

See you at the Extension office - March 1 6pm-8pm for more horse fun!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Horse meeting re-scheduled to Thursday 6-8

Due to weather (AGAIN!! YIKES)
meeting re-scheudeld to Thursday 6-8 at the Extension office

we will be having stations on different parts of the horse, tack, lots of fun activities!!

in the mean time - practice those flash cards!

Also remember
think about the events you want to enter by next week
the horse clinic this saturday in Cedar Rapids

Monday, February 8, 2010


Due to the weather - we will have to cancel the horse meeting scheduled for tonight.

Again - please use this time to review your flash cards and the links on this page to review horse parts etc.

Next week we are going to try to have a practice quiz bowl so come prepared!

I will also be asking for official names and events you want to enter at the horse jamboree.

Also VERY IMPORTANT - the Iowa Quarter Horse event in Cedar Rapids will be held on February 20 and 21st - we have some members that will be bringing horses, but I need to know ASAP if you are planning on attending this event and if you are interested in having a horse judging team!
Please call me or send me an email at darlenevsetecka@gmail.com if you are interested. we will be needing adult drivers too! There is an open show on Sunday and those bringing horses should plan on participating - there is a fee for entry see the link on the right for details.